105 – The Corpse Vanishes. Short: Commando Cody Part 3.

Verse same as the rest. Don’t worry the show gets better trust me! The short is Commando Cody – Chapter Three, Bridge of Death. In this episode people talk as little possible, fist fight, throw a cheap dummy off a cliff, and there are three chase scenes (On foot, by spaceship, and by car). The end of the last chase crosses the bridge of death (Sadly not over the Gorge of Eternal Peril), which explodes, sending Cody’s flaming car into the river. Guess he didn’t know the capital of Assyria.

The movie sucks just as much as the short. It has Bela Lugosi as an evil scientist who kills brides, steals their corpses, and uses their life to keep is his wife alive. A female news reporter finds one of the places and is forced to stay because of storm. This won’t end well. She meets a humpback assistant. Sadly not Ygor for Son of Frankenstein…wait he wasn’t even a hunchback! Oh and he also has a dwarf brother. So the reporter finds them sleeping in coffins, disposing bodies, and killing the hunchback. He must suck as a boss. People stage a fake wedding and they catch Bela. However he kills the dwarf and captures the reporter. Man they suck at keeping people in custody. Patricia and Fagah (the hunchback and dwarf’s mom) kill the Bela and his wife. The reporter gives up on reporting and becomes a housewife…cause 40’s and all. The sketches aren’t all that funny. Tom and Crow, looking at a magazine, and talking about clowns. Yay? This is a downright awful episode. Occasionally I got a smirk, but I just hated it. The movie’s got all the right clichés: a mad doctor, a go-getting female reporter, a hunchback, a dwarf, and lots of young female victims. The problem is, it makes next to no sense. As Crow cleverly puts it in the final host segment, “He’s trying to commit an inconspicuous murder on the most conspicuous day of a woman’s life.” There has got to be an easier ways to get fresh young female corpses. Some of the comments are occasionally funny, but the movie’s bad pacing and unfollowable plot make it difficult viewing.

Episode Rating – 1/10

Movie Rating – 2/10

Favorite Riff – “He’s trying to commit an inconspicuous murder on the most conspicuous day of a woman’s life.”

Possible Stinger – Woman dying at her wedding and people freaking out.

Episode – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90hc7M_vKv0

Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNkm0SLjobQ

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